Find all Danielle B.‘s books here, in order of publication.

Published Books

The Heartian Hangman

Captain Illayna Fargaze doesn’t wait to travel to Idellis Island with her pirate crew, looking for treasure.

But the mystics have warned her about the River Styxx opening up on her way that night.

Will not listening cost her, and her crew on the Swimming Pegasus, their lives? Or are the mystics lying for money, and is there no such thing as the ghost ship called the Heartian Hangman?

Book cover of book called the Heartian Hangman by Danielle B.
Book cover of book called The Odd Orc Out, written by Danielle B.

The Odd Orc Out

Growing up, Ariuus always felt like a bit of an outsider, but couldn’t place a hammer on why.

But when one day, she is seen as old enough to join the rampage, she is faced with a tough decision:

Does she follow her parents’ chosen path, and kill the halfling in front of her, refusing to give her his money?

Or will she follow her inner moral compass, and save him from her tribe?

Jennifer's Journal, coming soon...

Book cover of book called Jennifer's Journal

Jennifer lives in the pirate city of Bunavaria, and is the sole owner of the Bearded Dragon tavern. Her normal days are filled with stopping bar fights and serving more alcohol to those who clearly don’t need it.

But what happens when she falls in love with a captain?

Follow her words, and find out where this sea-voyage takes her.

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